Sign up your Stokes County, NC business to be advertised on Just follow the steps below and you are on your way. Feel free to email us at or call us 336-548-1999 if you have any questions or problems. If you would like to pay with a different option, please contact us. Someone will be glad to come out to discuss it with you. For Renewals -Just fill out the contact information on the form below and press the Submit button to continue to check out. For New Avertisers -Follow the steps below orSomeone will gladly come out to meet with you to help get you signed up and shoot photos if needed.
Step 1 -If you have photos or a logo that you want to use. Please rename them with your business name and a photo number, Please resize them to a maximum size of 800 pixels each. This can usually be done in any photo editing program. If you are not able to change the sizes, please email them to us one at a time to instead of uploading them in the form below.
Step 3 - Fill out the form below with all the information about your business, agree to the Advertising Terms at the bottom and press the Submit button. This will take you to a Checkout Page that you can choose your plan and complete the transaction. Payment is accepted through most credit and debit cards through PayPal.